The Ultimate Rule Breaker!!!!

Hi loves!!!

          I have some big news to share with you! I have been chosen as a Society Plus #FashionFreedom ambassador along with 10 other awesome blogging babes!!! You can visit the rest of the bloggers by checking out

          If you have been following and reading my blog for a while, then you know I am all about breaking the fashion rules that are set aside for my plus size babes, and being confident in your body and who you are, which is exactly what the fashion freedom campaign is about.

          When I think about the #FashionFreedom campaign, all I can think about are those instances in my past in which I had to wear something I did not think my body type should wear. But one instance that stuck with me was when I had to wear a white dress for a shoot.  Although, I am still in my early stages of blogging God has certainly blessed me with a few opportunities and I am so grateful for them. One of the opportunities was doing a photoshoot with a brand, and one of the outfits I had to wear was a white dress. Before putting on the dress ,I was excited because it was so cute but, I forgot exactly what wearing white does to a plus size body, or what it does to my thinking for that matter.

When I finally put on the dress I looked in the mirror and honestly felt disgusted. Everything I wanted to hide was apparent and then my eyes wondered to places like my arms and my stomach. 

          The photographer called out my name and asked me if I was ready. I wanted to back out but then I thought to myself, "how can I back out now? What example am I leading? And this is a great opportunity, what am I seeing?" It is funny but anytime I start to feel weird about myself and my body, I just start singing "beautiful" by Christina Aguilera. As I walked to the photographer that is all I kept singing in my head "you are beautiful no matter what they say, cause words can't bring you down nooo" sang that through my whole shoot. When the edits were done I could not believe it. The pictures came out better then expected and I was wearing whiittteeeee. And I looked beautiful  and most importantly at that moment I was soo proud of myself.

       We need to erase those negative thoughts about ourselves especially when it comes to fashion. We need to stop thinking we can not wear certain colors or certain styles because of our size. We need to stop limiting ourselves and stop allowing the society to control our wardrobes. I believed that  I could not wear white because of what society said about it. Today my post is dedicated to wearing white and feeling free with myself.  Today I want to encourage you all to break the rules that society has set for us. Rules such as

  • Showing your tummy( you know that rule that includes crop tops and excluding plus size babes)
  • Showing legs
  • Showing armmssss
  • Wearing color
  • Wearing white

Share a pic of yourself breaking one of the rules and hashtag #fashionfreedom and #iamsocietyplus  I will also repost some of my fav rule breakers!

I am so happy to partner with society plus with this campaign because these rules use to hunt my all my life. It made me run away from cameras, mirrors and hide my body in clothes twice as big as I am. A big thank you to society plus for starting this campaign!! I hope you all join in!! Cannot wait to see the pics!! #loveyoulivenow #fashionfreedom #iamsocietyplus 

Along with the campaign here are pictures of me breaking the rules by wearing a white Tulle skirt and cage top both from Society Plus!!!!!!!!!

Use this link below to go to the direct website!



~Anita M.


Photography credit: Erika Renee Henry, 



GS LOVE..for the win!!!!


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