Anita Matey Anita Matey

What Does Healing Look Like To You?!

The best thing you can give yourself during a challenging season is to practice healing. Allow healing to be a part of your journey. You cannot move on to the next season, to your Sun moment, if you do not allow yourself to work on that current pain.

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The Moment I Thought I Lost, I Won!

Have you ever heard of the saying, "look at the glass half full, rather than half empty?" I am sure you have; it's prevalent. Nevertheless, have you realized how powerful that saying is when you can change the narrative of just how an object looks? Think about it….

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The last post I shared with you was about a recent heartbreak. I shared my realization through that moment of the need to exit the darkness. No, this post is not about me telling you I have found my sun and somebody’s son. At least not yet….

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The Storm Doesn’t Last Forever..

I recently suffered a heart break from a two year relationship, in which trust was severely broken. And this broke me to the core. I kept thinking about the new revelations that I came across. I kept replaying the whole relationship in my mind, trying to figure out the “WHY” s. That moment everything was so dark, and my worth felt like it was slowly diminishing. I almost entered a mental space that I never wanted to be in again.

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Twenties...What A Ride!

You were such a roller coaster ride, when you dipped low, you went very low, and when it was time to go high, you went above my expectations. Nevertheless, I am happy to say I have no regrets with this ride, simply lessons and reminders.

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The One Habit That Changed My Mental and Physical Health

2020 is a year that we will never forget, I believe everyone will agree to this. With sooo many things that impacted the world, I know that we each have our own unique story to tell. For me, 2020 taught me how to love my body in ways I did not think I needed to. I learned how to appreciate my whole being, and to cherish my mental health, my mind, and overall physical health over appearance.

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You Need Some Kaiem In Your Life...

Heyy my lovess!!

Happy Black History Month!!

ANNNDD it is only right I use this post to introduce you guys to more amazing black-owned brands.

Today’s post is dedicated to Kaiem, a brand in which I admire so much, especially since it is also a woman-owned business. Kaiem’s mission is to provide high-quality products made straight from Africa!

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The Real Tea On Being Plus And African....

Hey, hey, hey!!

How are you guys doing? I hope you all are staying safe and masking before stepping out there!

Today, I wanted to have a real in-depth conversation regarding the reality, or rather my reality of being an African plus size woman...

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Amazon The Drop...Latest Obsession....

To start off this year, I want to introduce you guys to a new online shop I have been loving so much lately, The Drop by Amazon, an online shop inspired by global influencers. Before we get into that, I just have to say one thing. I am absolutely that person that will complain about being broke but will have an amazon package(S) in front of her door the next day, and I am in no way embarrassed about that. I like the fact that I can find everything on Amazon, and in most cases I do.

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When those edges get snatched feat Edge Naturale

I hope you guys are doing well!! I am so excited about this blog post today because I get to put you guys on to something amazing!

Now ladies, I know we all love it when our hair is laid, and our edges are snatched, but tell me, sis, are your edges really okay?

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Mental Health, It's Okay....

A few months ago, on my Instagram page, and a bit on my latest post, I spoke about my struggle of dealing with depression.

Dealing with any kind of mental illness, as a Christian, and coming from an African home, in general, is hard. My mother, those who know me personally, know she is truly my best friend, however, there was a moment in which my best friend could not understand that I needed more than prayers.

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It's Been A While.......

I know it has been such a long time since you've come across a post on this site. I mean right now, we are going through such a global pandemic, I wanted to check-in and also I do miss you all!

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Questioning My Confidence

Reflecting back on this year, I can say that one of my recent challenges with blogging this year has been displaying my vulnerabilities in the public eye. My blog was built on showing how confidence is seen through fashion. However, this year my confidence has been challenged in so many ways, to the point that it has torn friendships and even lowered my self-esteem. And the challenges were a result of how people saw me based on my social media.

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It's Wedding Season....featuring eShakti

Summer is finally here, meaning it’s time to show off our arms, live freely in all our rolls, and look bomb in any summer outfit we choose to rock!! My favorite thing about it being summer is that it’s also wedding season!! I just love love and any opportunity to wear a dress is also a plus!!

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Dress For Success

A girl should be two things: who and what she wants.” – Coco Chanel

To celebrate women’s history month, I’m celebrating with TALBOTS and the O magazine and the new collection for Dress for Success. For those of you who do not know, Dress for Success is

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From summer camps to the fashion industry...God's way..

Before I begin this post I just want to thank you guys for sticking with me for so long! I truly appreciate it!

Lately, I’ve been feeling so down on myself, being hard on myself because I wasn’t where I wanted to be - especially in this blogging world. I kept getting frustrated with God and myself. I constantly kept asking Him if He was hearing my prayers.

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Plus..and Single.....

I've always had this mindset that because I am plus size it is expected that I am suppose to be single. I mean, what do you expect from someone who has always been told “love will find you when you start to slim down”?

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Blogging 101: Don’t lose yourself

This post is to my new bloggers, and bloggers still trying to figure it out:always remember why you started and ensure to never lose sight of the goal you’re trying to achieve.

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