Personal styling on the plus size tip ft: Dia&Co
Hi Loves!!!!
I just discovered something that changed the game for personal styling, Dia&Co.
Dia&Co is an online plus size styling service for women with curves, starting from size 14 up to 32. The stylists at Dia&Co take their time to really understand your style, your likes and dislikes, through an online survey. The online survey asks some really specific questions such as , "do you like to show your arms, your legs?" The answers you providereally help the stylists at Dia&Co to understand you better, in order to pick out the perfect clothes and accessories for you.
After the online survey, the next step is to create a profile. After your profile is complete they will send you an email on when to receive your first Dia&Co box. That's the exciting part!!
When my box finally arrived, I was a bit nervous. I was not sure what to expect. My main concern was "will everything fit??!!" I was completely wrong!!
I received a pair of stretched denim jeans, a black top, a midi skirt, and the most perfect plaid scarf for the fall!! The best part about these items is the fact that I did not have an issue with the fit of each item.
Also each item definitely said Anita, and definitely were items I would pick out for myself.
One thing I would say to my stylist at Dia&Co, "KEEP IT UP, YOU KNOW ME TOO WELL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "
Check out my looks and let me know what you think!