Resilience After Loss

Have you ever heard of, "The Red Table Talk?"

Well, for those who don't know, it’s a show hosted on Facebook by the famous actress, Jada Pickett Smith (Will Smith's wife) featuring Jada's daughter, Willow, and Jada's mother, Adrienne. The show centers on the life of Jada and her family having discussions at a "Red Table" and the idea is to give space for three generational perspectives to contribute to factors that affect all of their lives like: complex family dynamics, heartbreak, body confessions, or loss. If you haven't yet watched, I would strongly encourage you to tune in! I've learned so much in the only two episodes that have aired so far!

Episode 2, in particular, discussed the concept of loss and how one deals and copes with loss. In the episode, each woman shared their experience with loss and how it impacted their lives. Needless to say, the discussion hit home and made me think of my losses. However, it also made me truly appreciate my gains. After losing two important people in my life, I couldn’t help but to question God. Losing these two individuals taught me a lesson about life. You’re probably thinking, "Of course Anita, it taught you the quintessential phrases like 'life is short' and 'cherish people while you still have them,' but the lesson I learned was much greater than just these phrases. My loss also taught me the meaning of 'living my best life.' My "best life" can be described as appreciating those around me and constantly reminding them how much they mean to me.


My losses also showed me the true value of friendship. It allowed me to lean on God because of the countless moments when I felt alone. Now, I run to Him because He is the only one that can truly answer why the most precious people in my life are now gone. The passing of my friends also allowed me to gain more confidence in myself because I knew how confident they were and I wanted to make them proud. I want to show them, wherever they are, that the confidence they exuded, is now in me.


Despite your loss, I hope you learn to find that very same confidence, the beautiful kind, deep down inside you, like I found mine. And always remember to, "live your BEST life!"

Dress is from Eloquii and I'm wearing a size 16!!! Dress is from Eloquii and I'm wearing a size 16!!! 

Dress is from Eloquii and I'm wearing a size 16!!! 


Forgiveness, The Best Gift Ever .......


That right top......