It's Been A While.......

Hi Loves!!!!

I know it has been such a long time since you've come across a post on this site. I mean right now, we are going through such a global pandemic, I wanted to check-in and also I do miss you all!


Right now, I know there may be so many posts, and memes that may be encouraging us all that this is our time to "create a side hustle, start a business, finish your bucket list." At the same time, all of that is great, but I wanted to remind you guys that now is also the time to take care of yourself mentally, physically, and spiritually. And to remind you that you do not have to pressure yourself to do anything but just to go through this the way it fits you best. Whether it may be, catching up on books you weren't able to read, drawing a closer relationship with God, binged-watching, reconnecting with your family and friends, or even cooking. All it matters is how you allow yourself to deal and process with the current situation.

As for me, if you have been following me on Instagram, I have shared that just like millions of other Americans, I also had to file for unemployment while dealing with a loss of a family member and trying to maintain my mental health. And while things seem to feel stuck, I continuously remind myself that the only way things will get better was how I choose to react, our reactions are what we can control. I could sulk around all day, or I could try to push myself to do at least one good thing that would make me feel better. And for me, my choices are spa face masks, cooking, dressing up for what is now virtual dating, making time to read a couple of chapters in the bible, and simply understanding that this too shall pass.

Now, another thing in which I am grateful for is social media. For me, I follow so many fabulous, inspirational, relatable black plus size bloggers that always give me that push not to stop doing what I love to do, which is blogging, dressing up and playing around with makeup! Seeing looks, encouraging and relatable post also eases my mind in a way, I'm reminded that I am not in this alone, and reminded to AGAIN I say, focus on what you love to do. I believe in following social media accounts that inspire and not social media accounts that make you feel worse about yourselves. Especially now, when we do need all the positive vibes, we can get!!

Nevertheless, I would love to share with you guys some of the most inspirational and fantastic black plus size bloggers who I follow. Hoping you will get inspired and encouraged to continue to do whatever you love!

1) Brooklyn's @ontheqtrain, Peggy!! One thing I love about Peggy is her style; I mean sis can rock any color blazer, any bold print, and have me yelling "okay sis I see you" Before I hit the love button.

Also, a fun fact is that Peggy was one of the first plus-size bloggers I followed way before I decided to leap into blogging. I remember constantly checking out her blog posts during my college days, especially when I was trying to distract myself from writing many papers. It is incredible to see her continue to shine while continually reminding the world that you do not have to be a standard size to love fashion, be daring, be bold, and forever beautiful!

Yesss Peggy!!!!

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2) Next up, the Queen herself, Maui Bigelow!!

Maui is also another blogger I've been following for a while. What inspires me the most about is her honesty and strength. I also admire her moments of wisdom and encouraging posts she shares with her followers regarding her health journey. At the same time, she still slays in every look, whether its a suit, or a crop top, she forever reminds me that if God gives me another day, I better put on that bold lippie and slay!! Yes ma’am!!

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3) Next, Alissa of Stylish Curves!!

Another blogger veteran for me, another inspirational, another beauty, the list goes on and on.

Alissa is another veteran that made me believe in myself, and that maybe I could also do the blogging thang! She is also the curator of the #mystylishcurves. I remember the day she reposted my pic on the #mystylishcurves page. I was so excited you couldn't tell me anything! Nothing at all, ma'am. You can always find a great outfit from corporate slay as she takes us back to looks from where she was working 9-5, to lounge looks, to vacay looks, to even outfits for when she just felt like being that real baddie that she is!!

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4) Chante Burkett!!

Yup, another veteran! I can say one thing that Chante, similar to Maui, teaches me is the beauty of being transparent and real while simultaneously fashionable, not afraid to be confident in what I wear. I can always look to her post to remind me even at my size, and I can still be the best version of myself!

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I mean, if you are not following Essie, then what are you even doing? The creator of #goldenconfidence, ya’ll remember her plus size pool parties???!! Also, she makes you want to order like three pairs of sneakers, a two-piece swimsuit, sunnies, heels, all in like three posts! The constant reminder that your size is beautiful and the constant reminder that in 2020 fashionable plus size women do exists, they exist and are dominating the fashion world!!

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6) Okay yall, next we have Lissa from IAMPLUSBLOG

Lissa is gorgeous, yall!! Another Brooklyn based blogger and when I mean sis KILLS it on every post!! She reminds me time and time again that plus-size women should not be afraid of bold colors, should not have to hide in clothing, can have a classical style, and most importantly, reminds me how beautiful a bold red lip looks on our melanin skin!!

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Keep doing it, Lissa!!

7) Up next, I have to put you guys on to this Nigerian blogging babe!! I mean, sis is forever doing IT! DC-based, ChiChi of SuppleChic!!

ChiChi is excellent at giving us great outfit ideas for every season! I can always look forward to a fantastic outfit inspiration. I also adore her quick makeup tutorials !! Def check her out if you haven't already!

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8) Next.. is ChardelineChanel!!

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Now, if you ever need travel inspirations, FITNESS MOTIVATION, and all-around "YESS SISSS YOU BETTA" reactions after seeing a pic on Instagram, then you have to follow her! The most significant moment I had in regards to Char, was seeing her pic in the Loft store in Times Square. This moment was huge for me because I saw someone who looked like me, someone I can relate too, with the biggest smile on her face and mine even bigger as a result of excitement. Char continues to set this vibe, a vibe that reassures you that your size is limitless when your passion is on fire!

9) The next blogger on my list that holds it down when it comes to authentic style, and boldness is Audrey Annan of audgemeister! Ghanaian bred, natural hair goddess, and slays every look, whether it is a Maxi skirt, suit, suit dress, maxi dress, and her bold red lips! I mean there's just something about seeing a plus-size woman in a suit, it just screams "major boss moves" to me, and I love it!!

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10) Okay, so this next one is also another veteran who continues to inspire and is forever bomb, Tyalexander! She’s an all-around wellness blogger and author, and just like the many bloggers mentioned above, Ty is so relatable, mainly when she discusses and reveals her journey on handling many mishaps of life, such as losing a parent, or a loved one. Yes, you can def get a taste of fashion, but realness is also essential. Also, she’s the founder of selfcareirl, a wellness community that aims to help you make life cultivating healing experiences through retreats, and events. There was a retreat held last year, which looked fantastic, and I am hoping when things get better, I can join in on the next retreat!

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Okay, I got two more bloggers!! I am sure you guys are following most of these ladies, but it doesn’t hurt to highlight their dopeness!

11) Now, if you are not following Nikki Free, of Nikki FreeStyle please get your life TOGETHER!! Now Nikki does it all, and her style is so bold and classy that I fall in love with every look she throws at us!!!!! From color blocking, to mixing prints, to her Gucci collections, ya’ll, I can go on her page and forget all my worries lol. She is indeed my style icon and inspiration.

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12) The last blogger who has inspired me, especially in beauty, is none other than, Ndeye Peinda. Ndeye is a beauty blogger, and she is def a force to be reckoned! Apart from the fact that she is a Binghamton University Alum :), and apart from that fact that she is also an African beauty, her style speaks volumes of confidence and fearlessness.

She is relatable in so many aspects for me because she discusses so many things, like being ashamed of being African. Growing up, I would hide the fact that I was from Ghana, I was not trying to be apart of the "African booty scratcher jokes" and thanked my parents tirelessly for blessing me with an American first name. She also speaks on her journey of self-love and believing in her creative gifts as she leaped into the creative world leaving, the teaching world behind. She is dopeness on so many levels yall, check her out, then you'll understand!!

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And that’s all folks!!! Thanks so much for reading this post! And I hope you guys are doing as best as you can to cope during these times. I also hope the ladies I have shared put a huge smile on your face, as they do for me every time I am on Instagram!

I promise this will not be my last post of the year, so please come back and check out more! Also I do have a video haul on youtube so def click here to check it out! Until next time loves!!


Also make sure to follow me on Instagram if you are not already!!

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