Twenties...What A Ride!
Dear Twenties,
You were such a roller coaster ride, when you dipped low , you went very low, and when it was time to go high, you went above my expectations. Nevertheless, I am happy to say I have no regrets with this ride, simply lessons and reminders.
One of the biggest reminders you kept replaying was to stop trying to fit into other’s definition of who you are. Through conversations with family, friends and even strangers, you kept reminding that I am meant to shine, and meant to sparkle as bright as I want to be.
At the same time, you also taught me the significance of embracing every situation, the good and the bad. I finally understood that when I am able to embrace the struggles and the difficulties, I am then allowing myself to be open to the lessons each moment may bring. I am also allowing myself to be aware and most importantly, I am allowing myself to fully trust in God.
When it came to confidence, you definitely challenged me!! I had to learn that there was confidence outside of social media. I learned about being confident in corporate America, confident in skills I possessed, as well as the constant learning of being confident in my body and my whole being.
However, what I learned the most is although having confidence in yourself is very important, it is the confidence and trust you have in God that can change a glass from looking half empty to half full!