The Storm Doesn’t Last Forever..

On September 2nd, one of the biggest storms  hit New York City. Subways and roads were extremely flooded. There were cases in which firefighters needed to rescue civilians out of their cars. The rain was heavy and from the sounds of it, it did not seem as though it would end. It felt as though it would rain forever.


However, the next day I went out to take out the trash and noticed the sun. At that moment, I saw so much beauty. The sun was out and bright as ever. The roads were completely dry. The air felt amazing, it felt new, it felt different, it felt needed. It made me question the intensity of the storm the night before.

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Nevertheless, being outside made me think about the storms I am currently facing. I recently suffered a heart break from a two year relationship, in which trust was severely broken. And this broke me to the core. I kept thinking about the new revelations that I came across. I kept replaying the whole relationship in my mind, trying to figure out the “WHY” s. That moment everything was so dark, and my worth felt like it was slowly diminishing. I almost entered a mental space that I never wanted to be in again.


One thing I realized is that when we go through our own storms, it is hard to believe that the sunshine will indeed come. We are so stuck on the current storm, and that is not our fault at all. We are human, and our emotions and feelings are so valid. But what is also valid is that the storm will end. Storms do not last forever; raindrops do slowly begin to stop.


September 3rd was the day I really felt God reminding me about my own storm.  Reminding me about my own sunshine and giving me a glimpse of exactly how I would feel when I get there.


My sun will come out soon, and when it does, I will feel the same feelings that I felt when I stepped outside that day.

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I read something from Joel Osteen, pastor and author, that was such another huge reminder.  It read

 You can’t go by what you see, or you’ll get discouraged. You may not see anything except dark clouds; everywhere you look, there’s no visibility, no sign of how it’s going to work out. Remember what God promised you. There’s not a storm you’re facing that is a surprise to God. There’s not a problem you’re in that He can’t get you out of…..”.


And here I am telling you, when those negative thoughts start racing, and you feel like everything is dark, please remember, that sunshine is coming, and it is coming soon. Just do your best to believe in that and do your best to uplift yourself. Because God knows, He sees, He hears your cries, and He will make sure you see the sun come out again.

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Twenties...What A Ride!