Don't Allow Fear To Cripple Your Dreams!

I've been having several conversations about dreams, goals, and purpose, and it dawned on me that fear is the number one reason people have difficulty going after their dreams! It may just be that fear is what is crippling a lot of people from pursuing things they are assigned, i.e., their purpose.

I am raising my hand as I am one of those people. And from my experience, when it comes to fear and purpose, fear births questions of unworthiness- am I capable? Am I smart enough? Who am I to accomplish something like this? The questions continue until you convince yourself you cannot pursue those dreams. And sometimes we allow lack to turn into fear- lack of supplies, finances, and so on to be the block that stops us from where we are to where we could be.

However, I have two things to say regarding that. As a believer, I know that when God puts something on your heart, He will see it through. There is nothing you are doing alone when you partner with God. However, it is hard to believe that when your mind is clouded with fear. It is hard to believe that God could partner with you, lead you, and direct your steps when the only thing you can think about is- Am I capable of accomplishing this?

This was me about three years ago when I dreamed of becoming an author. I've always had this burning passion for writing. However, I did not think that life was attainable. Moreso, I did not believe I was a good writer merely because of the criticisms I faced from others. And those crippled my mind and birth fear- my fear was based on not being good enough. I would constantly ask God, "how can I be an author when people judge my writing so harshly?" I needed to do two things at that moment. One, I needed to stop allowing what other people say to shape and direct where I wanted my life to go. Criticism will always be welcomed, but it shouldn't be what holds you back from your dreams. The second thing, I needed to stop doubting God. I needed to stop questioning what God knew regarding my purpose and my calling. I needed to submit to God and hold His hand as He led me to the path of being an author. And once I did that, I self-published my first book- Loved and Unforsaken.

Now sis, if I can let go of fear and follow God and my dreams, you can also do it. Your dreams are on the other side of faith and obedience. Don’t allow fear to cripple a life that's waiting for you.


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